Building Community Power CO-OPperatively: A Renewable Energy Summit

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Ontario green energy prices under review behind closed doors

Province quietly reviewing

In closed rooms at Queen’s Park, bureaucrats and policy-makers are poring over submissions about how much you should pay for renewable energy.

Many of the submissions have not been publicly released.

And while the policy-makers labour in private, discussion among non-government officials has also been muted.

For example, a coalition of green energy groups assembled dozens of like-minded “thought leaders” for a discussion of Ontario’s renewable energy policy late last year. They decried the lack of public understanding of energy policy — then agreed that their own discussions should remain private.

Even the name of the closed-door process is obscure to most people; the feed-in tariff (FIT) review.

But its outcome will be very real, as it will determine the prices to be paid for much of the power generated by wind, solar and biomass, and the rules governing who is eligible for the program.

The newer forms of renewable power still makes up a relatively small component of Ontario’s power grid — less than 4 per cent of the electricity generated in Ontario in 2011.

Nevertheless, they’ve garnered a disproportionately high amount of attention, because of the relatively high prices they attract.

The regulated consumer price for power is in the range of 6.2 to 10.8 cents a kilowatt hour. But the two big renewable sources (other than water-generated hydro power) receive more: 13.5 cents for wind and solar from 44.3 cents up.

When the program was set up in 2009, however, the government promised to review it, including prices, in two years. That’s the process now under way.

Energy Minister Chris Bentley says the closed-door approach is appropriate.

“There may be some that have written some things that they’d rather not read about, out there, in the attempt to give us the best possible advice, and I’m respecting that. But what we say is going to be publicly available.”

Peter Tabuns, energy critic for the New Democratic Party, disagrees.

“Those who are involved in the industry, and the public, need to know what the ideas are that are on the table,” says Tabuns. “An open process serves us better than a closed one.”

Conservative energy critic Vic Fedeli thinks the whole feed-in tariff program is wrong-headed and beyond fixing.

But he, too, thinks that at least the ideas submitted should be public:

“I’d like to read what people have to say.”

What, exactly, are feed-in tariffs?

When first announced in 2009, the feed-in tariff system was designed “to provide guaranteed prices for renewable energy projects,” according to a government release.

Along with guaranteed prices, producers get guaranteed access to the power grid for all the energy they produce, plus a long-term contract.

Most FIT contracts in Ontario are for 20 years.

But the Liberal government did decree that the initial prices paid for renewable power would be reviewed after two years — the process now under way. The new prices will apply to contracts going forward, not to those already signed.

How long will the review take?

The Energy Ministry asked for public submissions, which were due in early December.

“I said I’d like it to finish in the first quarter, by the end of March,” Bentley said in an interview.

“We got thousands of submissions, almost 3,000,” he said. “And they weren’t one-liners. Some of the submissions ran to dozens or hundreds of pages. So the people who’ve been working on this review have been working hard.”

The review doesn’t just cover price. It looks at the whole program, including what kinds of projects are eligible for the program, and who owns them.

Will the review scale back on renewables?

Not a chance, according to Bentley.

“I’m very committed to renewable energy, to green energy. I think the public would like to know what shape that’s going to take in the future.”

“I think those in the industry would like to be reassured that we have not lost our enthusiasm, and would like to know what the rules are.”

Fedeli of the Conservatives has a sharply different point of view. He blames high power prices — in part driven by the FIT program — for driving jobs out of Ontario.

“I’ve found wind and solar to be more social engineering than good energy policy,” says Fedeli. The Tories would scrap FIT.

What sort of prices are being discussed?

With many of the submissions under wraps it’s hard to know, but some groups have been public about their recommendations.

The Canadian Wind Energy Association argues that the current wind power rate of 13.5 cents a kilowatt hour is “cost competitive” for big turbines. It recommends a schedule of higher rates for smaller turbines.

But there’s a general consensus that rates for solar power will decline, as the cost of solar panels keeps dropping.

A coalition of green energy groups has made a detailed submission suggesting solar rates ranging from 38 cents to 59 cents a kilowatt hour (the current range is 44.3 cents to 71.3 cents) It suggests giving a small bonus to solar developments on reclaimed industrial sites.

They suggest leaving the overall price of wind power about the same, but introducing a new system that over time would scale back the rate for larger turbines to 8.2 cents a kilowatt hour.

Is price the only topic up for grabs?

By no means.

There is a lot of discussion about who owns renewable energy projects.

Some critics think the current scene is dominated by big corporate players. They think renewable power projects — especially wind turbines — would be more readily accepted if they were more broadly owned.

“What I hope would come out of the review would be a far greater emphasis on community and public ownership,” says Peter Tabuns, energy critic for the New Democrats.

“That’s needed to address political issues. But it’s also needed to ensure that more of the money that goes into the electricity system stays in Ontario.”

Toronto Star

10.8 cents

The top end of the regulated price consumers pay for one kilowatt hour

13.5 cents

The price companies are paid for one kWh of generated wind power

71.3 cents

The top end of what companies are paid for one kWh of solar power


  1. Did they forget the microFIT program already? I know it`s been shut down for almost half a year but it had the best rates that were available. It was 80.2 cents per kilowatt hour for roof top solar pv systems at or under 10kW AC.

    Let`s all hope for something in the 70`s for the next set of microFIT rates.

    1. No they have not shut it down but just having a review that usually occurs every two years. We anticipate rate changes but cannot predict the exact ball park of what that may look like.OPA says that the review should be completed by the end of March 2012, we can only cross our fingers at this point.For more information:
